Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chapter 15

In 2003-2004 Outkast was topped the billboard charts for nine weeks with Hey Ya!. Maria Carey’s We Belong Together was at number one for fourteen weeks in 2005. Lady Gaga’s Hit Pokerface was a number one hit for seven weeks in 2009. Bruno Mars had the biggest selling single of 2012 with Just the Way You Are. The 2000 were filled with a new artist that used many techniques to get the audience to respond to their music.

The roles of race and ethnic city and American music must be situated within the broader context. The very fact that Americans speak a black-and-white music as though these were self-evident. Colombian, Shakira whose first bilingual album laundry Service reached number three on the charts in the United States. Sexuality and gender are other aspects of identity that are central to the history of American popular music. Even top 10 singles like the village people YMCA and in the Navy which can be interpreted on one level as a defying out of the closet celebration of gay culture. Pop stars including Little Richard, David Bowie, Prince, Madonna and then the 2000s, Lady Gaga have faction personas the same purposefully to blur the public perceptions of their sexual orientation.

Music recording process of reproduction is an emanation of sound comes from the phonograph, the radio, the electric microphone and sound found. Later through magnetic takes a long playing this FM radio and they innovations of the 70s 80s and 90s with home video, cable television, portable tape players, Digital recording, the compact disc, the iPod and the iPhone, and the Internet is also saw the introduction of music production software such as ProTools which a person could record their own album at home.

First Grammy awards to any rock band Death Cab for Cutie protested against the use processing devices such as AutoTune family had as a threat that the artist would have no real character. AutoTune would be used to change voice to enhance the song or tune the voice. Many artists do not like AutoTune they think it alters the authentic live performance.

Medium associated with the Internet is the MP3, a digital file compression system that was originally used to develop digital video disk (DVD). What the introduction of MP3 technology expert a series of struggles between the entertainment corporations and small-scale entrepreneurs. In 1999 and 18-year-old college dropout named Sean fanning had developed Napster an Internet-based software program that I like computer users to share swap files specifically, music through centralizes file servers

Thousand one Apple computers would introduce the first generation iPod player which store up to 1000 CD-quality tracks on its hard drive. Into thousand three the iTunes Store was launched, making some 200,000 tracks available for download for $.99 apiece. iTunes company commanded 70% of online markets by 2008 and he become the top seller of music in the United States.

Into thousand three but lots of MySpace, social networking site hey created more than 100 million subscribers including thousands of musicians who made the recordings available on their MySpace pages. The first video to Pat was a party dance video called Megan Waze by a Chicago-based rock band and 2005. Lady Gaga would start her career on social media and through YouTube. Andrew thousand 12 the South Korea pop star PSY scored a massive it with his video Gangnam Style which had received 8 million views within its first two weeks of posting.

During 2000, Tori had become increasingly important to the total profits generated by music business rather than sideline designed to promote record sales. Buy 2006 concert tour revenues from popular music including the sale merchandise exceeded $3.5 billion worldwide.

Hey Ya! 

We Belong togather 
 Just the Way You Are 

Gangnam Style 

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